Apps as a flagship – like in a hotel reception.

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The first impression counts, as the saying goes. If this impression is good, then it takes a lot to convince the other person of something else. Now, what does it take to make that first impression fantastic. And how is this impression optimally conveyed in relation to eCommerce?

A high-quality hotel presents itself directly upon entering the entrance hall. The materials are carefully chosen, the room is spacious and the air smells delicious. Of course, all this is no coincidence, because the customer should feel comfortable from the very first moment.

Let’s transfer this metaphor to the world of wholesale. There, too, there are retailers who offer their customers a similar experience. After all, the customer should visit the store as often and for as long as possible and enjoy a good ambiance.

In recent years, this store experience has increasingly shifted from traditional web stores to mobile applications. This is because customers can be served even better and more appealingly there, and their daily lives can even be made easier.

Close to the customer’s business with native apps

The point is not to simply map this with a technical IT solution, but to be as close as possible to the customer’s business and offer him the corresponding added value. We at ieffects are convinced that this can be achieved very well, especially with native apps.

If the customer is to stay in the store as often and for as long as possible, then this “mobile reception” should offer exactly what large hotels do – namely provide a nice ambience, simplify the customer’s life. After all, we believe that apps are the highest-quality flagship for mobile eCommerce.

How do you create proximity to your customers?

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Urs Cast Episode 8

The first impression counts - this also applies to apps.


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