Apps as an opportunity for field service.

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Especially when it comes to ordering items from a retailer, most people, if not all, are creatures of habit. A change to a new technology, for example, requires security. This must be provided in some form, only then the transformation can be successful.

About 20 years ago, most orders were placed by phone or in writing, even by fax at that time. With the digitization of ordering chains, ordering patterns have changed rapidly.

Before such a change takes place, the customer wants to be sure whether the change is actually worth it. Of course, a switch to a new technology is supported with many promotional messages and practical use cases.

The field service exemplifies what the customer then adopts himself.

The success of a digital transformation is largely in the hands of the wholesaler. If the company is convinced of its solution, then this conviction is carried to the public with a clear message. To some extent, this happens subconsciously – but the effect is still there and affects the whole surroundings. Employees, customers and suppliers feel motivated by this and make the transition to a digital solution successful and sustainable.

Especially employees in direct contact with customers can exemplify the transformation. By using the digital ordering tool directly on site at the customer’s premises, for example, and putting it to use in practice. With a smile on your face while using it, the conviction will be transferred to the customer wordlessly, so to speak. Yes, he wants to try it out for himself and smile happily too.

A native app as a secure means of marketing directly to the front line.

With a native app, as a wholesaler you are directly in the hands of the customer. And exactly where the need for an order arises. The customer sees the marketing directly and decides immediately – what is available, what is cheap. He gets the service directly to the place of action and is incredibly close to their company.

In the past, the sales force had to create this proximity. But you can’t always be with the customer everywhere. It is much more relaxing to offer your customers a completely digital solution and thus have your head free for really new and exciting things. The customers thus become free in a certain way and yet they are directly integrated in the action. This leads to optimal customer loyalty.

At ieffects, we invest a lot of time and creativity in improving the digital user experience with native ordering apps. When a wholesaler goes down this path with us, it is always a challenge for us and we are happy not only to reproduce individual business digitally, but also to perfect it as an app application.

How much time and energy do you invest in digital marketing? We are looking forward to your ideas and are always happy to exchange them.

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Are apps an opportunity for field service?


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